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How to Select a Mobile Event App for Your Unique Goals

With in-person events back in full force, mobile event technology has reclaimed its spot among the top tools for event professionals.

How to Select a Mobile Event App for Your Unique Goals

In today's world, where mobile devices are omnipresent, attendees expect to have access to everything they need, including event-related information, at their fingertips. According to a 2021 report, Americans spend about one-third of their waking hours on mobile devices, a figure that has likely increased. As a result, event planners need to prioritize finding the right mobile event app to suit their audience to provide the best attendee experience possible.

A mobile event app is a software management system for mobile devices that enhances the attendee experience and enables event organizers to communicate with attendees in a unified place. With in-person events back in full force, mobile event technology has reclaimed its spot among the top tools for event professionals. 

A mobile event app serves to not only streamline the attendee journey and foster community-building among virtual and on-site audiences, but also to generate revenue opportunities with sponsors, enable lead retrieval on any device, collect data to measure your event's success, and inform decisions for the future. It has become an essential part of any event.

When it comes to choosing a mobile event app for your audience and event, consider whether you want a white label or branded universal app. A white label app is an app designed exclusively for your event and can be downloaded directly and fully customized to your audience's needs. On the other hand, a branded universal app requires attendees to download the provider's app and then select your event within the app.

Apps can do many things, but it's important to select one that is designed primarily for the specific function you want to focus on, such as communicating event information or networking. Different apps are designed with various best features, so select the one that best suits your objectives. 

If you're looking to use an event app for audience feedback and engagement, such as polling, surveys, or gamification, be sure to investigate whether the mobile event technology you're considering has that capability and what the user experience is like.

It's essential to evaluate a mobile app provider from the perspective of your user. Is the app you're considering easy to understand and learn quickly? Will its functions be intuitive and encourage your attendees to use it as a first resource? On the flip side, how easy is the setup process for you and your team? Does it require in-depth training and knowledge to input information, or is the process quick to pick up and understand? Considering most event organizers don't have extra time, the latter is equally important.

Data collection is one of the most significant capabilities of an event app. Ask mobile event providers about how their apps are designed to collect data, what options you have for sorting and reporting, and how these tools will be integrated into the experience.

When you're collecting personal data, including payment information, through an app, security is of utmost importance. Ask your mobile event provider about what measures are in place to keep your app secure and protected so that attendees feel comfortable and safe using it.

Once you've selected a mobile event app to suit your needs, it should streamline the attendee journey for both in-person and virtual attendees. It should provide a customizable, personal, and engaging tool to connect and learn. Attendees should be able to create their agenda, access contactless on-site check-in, and use navigation assistance through static or interactive maps of exhibitor floors and meeting rooms.

A mobile event app should foster community among attendees, bridging the gap between on-site and virtual or hybrid events. It should enhance attendee engagement through features such as in-app messaging, peer-to-peer videos, and group chats. Attendees should be matched with others they'd enjoy connecting with based on artificial intelligence, and they should be able to schedule meetings and appointments with other attendees or exhibitors. If gamification and engagement are important to your goals, consider the app should also allow for posting comments and photos to an in-app conversation or social wall to build community and increase gamification.

How Stova can help
Stova’s mobile app technology can help you to streamline your event with a customized, intuitive mobile event app experience your audience will love. Download our Ultimate Guide to Mobile Event Apps and get in touch today to schedule a demo and learn more. How to Select a Mobile Event App for Your Unique GoalsDownload our Ultimate Guide to Mobile Event Apps.