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BizBash Sports Power Players 2023: Jaclyn Thomas

Jaclyn Thomas is the vice president of marketing for RCX Sports.


Jaclyn Thomas is the vice president of marketing for RCX Sports, a youth-sports experiential business that also serves as the exclusive operator of NFL FLAG, the official flag football league of the NFL. She's based in Chicago.

How I got here: "From playing sports as a little girl to competing in Division I soccer at the collegiate level, I’m proud to have been an athlete my entire life. Throughout my undergraduate years, I participated in marketing and special events internships, dipping my toes in the sports marketing arena. Graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy with a BBA, marketing focus, a passion for sports, and a solid sports industry foundation, I landed a role at NCSA Recruiting working in high school sports, and then that evolved into RCX Sports."

Greatest career accomplishment: "I am most proud of creating and executing the 2022 NFL FLAG Championship at Pro Bowl Games and NHL ALL-STAR for NHL STREET, two significant, widely attended youth sporting events tied to the pro league tentpole events that took place at the same time in Las Vegas. Although these were challenging to plan, balance, and execute, both events created incredible memories for the thousands of youth athletes who participated and proudly embodied our mission to promote inclusivity and accessibility in youth sports."

Something I wish I'd known at the start of my career: "If I were to give advice to my younger self, it would be to embrace patience and confidence. As a woman, I’ve learned that developing these two skills is critical to advance in your career. In addition, I believe overcoming imposter syndrome and learning ways to gain more confidence at the beginning of your career is essential. People will listen to you if you can present yourself clearly and confidently, especially if you know what you are talking about!"

How I've seen fan experiences evolve: "The increase in streaming services and the COVID-19 pandemic have created the largest shifts in fan experiences over the last few years. With fan viewership extremely segmented, one trend I’ve noticed has been the desire for a more immersive fan experience and engagement between fans and players, especially in younger age groups. RCX Sports is filling this need from the ground up. We are not just developing athletes with a love for the game; we’re creating a loyal fan base at a young age who get to represent their favorite professional team each time they put on their jersey. We are reimagining youth experiences to be more inclusive and accessible than ever before, so that every kid can play on the field and develop into a fan for life off the field."

Favorite sports activity to do in my free time: "Soccer is (and will always be) my go-to sport. I play every week in my free time and love every second of it. If I’m not on the field, you’ll likely find me kickboxing."

Favorite moment in sports history: "This is a no-brainer for me. My favorite moment in sports history has to be the ‘99 Women’s World Cup. I tear up every time I see the replays of this incredible match. This wasn’t just any game; the ’99 Women’s World Cup completely changed the way I and many other women played soccer at the time. The moment redefined what it meant to be a woman playing sports. Even today, the U.S. women’s soccer team continues to not only secure wins on the field but, more importantly, make history off the field by advocating for gender equality."

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