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Readers' Forum: How Do You Foresee AI Impacting the Future of Meetings and Events?

Artificial intelligence continues to generate major buzz, and it seems as if disruption is imminent in the event industry. Event profs speak on the ways they’re seeing AI implemented in their field today and what to expect with these new advancements.

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“The continued development of generative AI means that the content that we program for meetings and events will need to improve exponentially. Said another way, conferences and conventions will only survive by offering more in-depth, insightful, unexpected, original, and engaging programming that goes significantly beyond what a user can get when she types a question into ChatGPT.”
—Hugh Forrest, co-president and chief programming office, SXSW, Austin, Texas

"Integrating AI into event planning seems to be a rapidly inevitable practice. It will help planners and clients streamline certain planning steps and allow for a quicker turnaround for procedures and ideas. Although AI might be nerve-wracking for some in the industry, when it comes to event planning, there is no one better to get the job done than us. AI will always lack the person-to-person interaction and personal touch that we bring to each event or meeting we curate. So, while AI can provide an opportunity for clients and planners to streamline their planning processes, it will not be able to provide the real personal care and attention that events need!"
—Abigail Everhart, owner, Events by Abigail, New York City

“AI enables hosts to craft hyperpersonalized experiences that are interactive, educational, inclusive, and tailored to individual preferences. By understanding these preferences, events can effortlessly foster meaningful connections among participants with shared interests and goals, amplifying the potential for collaboration and community-building. This empowers hosts to create deeply engaging and personal experiences for each guest, while also providing valuable insights for follow-up and future event planning.”
—Michael Cirino, founder, House of Attention, New York City

“If you're worried about AI 'taking your job' then you probably should be. Machines will never have the creativity and innovation that people do. AI can, however, take some of the heavy lifting and monotony out of our work and help empower us to ensure we are able to focus on creating engaging, innovative programs that leave our attendees changed. So, if you aren't innovating or being creative with your programs, you probably should be worried about AI.”
—David T. Stevens, director of field marketing and global events, 

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