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2024 BizBash 40 Under 40: Amber Mayfield Hewett

Amber Mayfield Hewett, 31, is founder and CEO of To Be Hosted.

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Amber Mayfield Hewett, 31, is founder and CEO of To Be Hosted. She's based in New York. A quote from her nomination: "In 2017, Amber started her event company To Be Hosted as a side hustle at age 23. To Be Hosted has since grown to a full-service event company. Amber’s commitment to providing thoughtful, meaningful, and equitable event services makes her a standout in the category and a pleasure to work with."

What my day-to-day looks like: "I run a small but mighty event agency and we have a few different branches—our event services, a monthly supper club, and a media platform for home entertaining tips. So every day really is different, but every day does start with a 'to do' list.

In arranging my day-to-day schedule, I try to batch certain tasks or goals so I can be most effective. For example, we do internal meetings and new business tasks on Mondays, and our more collaborative tasks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We do all of our client calls on Wednesdays, and Fridays are reserved for creative tasks like content creation, writing, and brainstorming for events."

My career journey: "I began my career in New York City working as a Page [Program member, a yearlong fellowship program] at NBCUniversal, and later became an assistant at Bravo TV. While working at Bravo TV and exploring the city’s bustling restaurant scene, I fell in love with food and the storytelling that surrounds the food industry on screen, in magazines, and at events. At age 23, I launched my then-side hustle To Be Hosted—a supper club designed to spark meaningful connections among strangers, while highlighting Black chefs, artists, and musicians.Mayfield Hewett's 'small but mighty' agency To Be Hosted offers event services, a monthly supper club, and a media platform that offers tips to home entertainers.Mayfield Hewett's "small but mighty" agency To Be Hosted offers event services, a monthly supper club, and a media platform that offers tips to home entertainers.Photo: Rashida Zagon

Since then, To Be Hosted has grown to host dinner parties, salon events, and celebrations. To date, To Be Hosted has worked with an elite clientele, including Moët Hennessy, Chandon, Patrón, Equinox, Soho House, Pinterest, Netflix, YouTube, and many more. With each event, To Be Hosted is on a mission to create more equitable and interesting social gatherings for all.

In 2020, I expanded my work to include a food media destination, highlighting Black chefs and makers from the lens of home entertaining. While Entertaining debuted its first magazine digitally in March 2020. Today, the magazine is available in print and digital, and offers a suite of digital resources for the modern hostess.

My entertaining expertise has been featured in The New York Times, Vogue, The Washington Post, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Morning America, BizBash, and more. As an entrepreneur, I have been recognized by Forbes 30 Under 30 2022 and the CCNYC’s Creative Class 2023."New York-based Mayfield Hewett gets her inspiration from the people around her.New York-based Mayfield Hewett gets her inspiration from the people around her.Photo: Rashida Zagon

What inspires me: "People! People and their stories. There is so much we can learn from encounters with new people, with new perspectives, and in new places. I really let the people around me, the people I work with, and the people we plan parties for spark my creative process, and that always takes me on the most fun journeys." 

My greatest career accomplishment: "I take a lot of pride in starting my own business at 23 years old. I had no fancy resume, no connections, no funding, and no experience in real business operations. I had an idea, the grace of God, and a lot of passion. Along the way I collected so many lessons and relationships that have truly made my career worth celebrating; so starting, doing, and being in business will also be a marvel to me."'I take a lot of pride in starting my own business at 23 years old,' Mayfield Hewett tells BizBash, adding that she was able to build To Be Hosted without a fancy resume or big-time connections."I take a lot of pride in starting my own business at 23 years old," Mayfield Hewett tells BizBash, adding that she was able to build To Be Hosted without a fancy resume or big-time connections.Photo: Rashida Zagon

My leadership style: "I believe in radical transparency and words of affirmation. I am figuring out the rest as I go." 

The advice I would give my younger self: "Be curious! Ask questions, seek advice and understanding and how-tos around a variety of different topics so you can bring more perspective to how you work."

What's next for me: "I am working on a YouTube series called Soirée School where I provide viewers with practical advice and how-tos for hosting at home. (Visit While Entertaining's YouTube channel here.) 

I am also writing my debut entertaining book with Artisan, which will teach readers how to plan and host parties with an emphasis on feeling, belonging, connection, and soulful details."

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