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3 Things Event Planners Should Do During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Maverick VR Virtual Reality Rentals
Photo: Courtesy of Maverick VR

This is truly an unprecedented time. As the coronavirus has spread to over 180 countries, most medical professionals agree on how to stop the virus. We must stay home as much as possible, practice social distancing, wash our hands, and try not to infect each other. 

No one knows exactly how long this pandemic will last, or when life will return to the one that we knew. The good news is that there are signs that we are pulling together, understanding the threat, and taking it seriously. We will get through this and get back to business at some point. 

While the coronavirus has hit almost all industries, it has been a disaster for event planners. Understandably, companies don’t know when it will be safe to plan their next event, and just waiting is a logical choice when faced with this uncertainty. 

The Coronavirus Pandemic Presents an Opportunity for Event Planners

As we stay home each day and try to keep our sanity, one might think there is not much that we can do but wait for our clients to call. However, another way to look at this situation is as an opportunity. This is a unique period in our lives and we may never again have so much free time at our disposal. It is the perfect time for each of us to take daily steps to build new habits related to our health, our business, and our mind, so that we return stronger and more productive than ever. 

How To Create New Habits

A study at University College in London concluded that behavior change was more successful when the study participants followed a four-step process. Within 10 weeks, the participants were doing the new behavior automatically without even thinking about it. The four steps are:

  1. Decide on a goal that you would like to achieve.
  2. Choose a simple action which you can do on a daily basis toward your goal.
  3. Plan when and where you will do your chosen action—you must be consistent.
  4. Take the action each day.

1) Get Healthier: Create New Exercise Habits

If we exercise more now, when we get back to business, we will have more energy that will help us be more productive. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, less than 5 percent of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

In a study conducted by The Institute of Sports Medicine at Hanover Medical School in Germany, researchers found that when comparing a group who did regular exercise and a group who did not exercise, those that exercised were more productive at work.

The participants were instructed to do 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity per week for six months. They were asked to maintain an individual heart rate range of 65 percent to 75 percent relative to the measured maximum heart rate when performing activities.

Those who took part in the exercise program showed significant improvements in their performance on three subscales of the workability index, including their current workability, workability in relation to demands, and mental resources. The control group showed no significant gains in these areas.

2) It's Time To Work On Our Business

When we were at work (before the coronavirus came to visit), we had some type of routine. While it differed for each of us, there were likely a handful of daily tasks and a number of projects we juggled. We may have also had a list of projects or things we wanted to do, knew would be good to do, but time just did not allow it. 

We now have more time; therefore, it is the perfect opportunity to research and learn so that when we get back to work we will be more productive or better at our job. Use the internet to learn more about: 

  • Your industry
  • Competitors
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Time management
  • Business planning

3) It's Time To Work On Our Mind

We begin with three questions:

  1. When you were busy at work, how often would you say you were stressed out?
  2. If you were less stressed at work less often, would you say that you would enjoy your work more and perhaps be more productive?
  3. Have you heard that meditation can reduce stress?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, meditation has been identified as the fastest-growing health trend. In 2012, it was estimated that 4.1 percent of Americans meditated, while in 2017 it had increased to 14.2 percent.

Research reviewed by Experimental Biology in 2018 concluded that "...even a single mindfulness meditation session can reduce anxiety: People with anxiety show reduced stress on the arteries after a one-hour introductory session."

Why not give it a try? Now is the time to consider bringing meditation practice into your life so that you are more relaxed, happier, and feel less stressed each day. 

Maverick VR is a national virtual reality rental company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., servicing the United States and Canada. We specialize in providing the technology and trained staff for corporate as well as consumer parties, trade shows, product launches, and activations to help create engaging and exciting experiences for your attendees.

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