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5 Ways the Metaverse Will Improve Meetings

In this guest column, Spacehuntr's Harry Prince shares his take on how the metaverse will impact the future of meetings and events.

Various tech companies have already been diving into metaverse-like concepts with avatar-based virtual event platforms, like Event Farm’s The Echo.
Various tech companies have already been diving into metaverse-like concepts with avatar-based virtual event platforms, like Event Farm’s The Echo.
Photo: Courtesy of Event Farm

Harry Prince is the creative content manager at Spacehuntr, a B2B venue platform for corporate events.

Although there was no "Big Bang," the creation of the metaverse traces back to the early 1990s—a time when gathering in a virtual reality seemed otherworldly. Yet 30 years later, the metaverse is where meeting and event professionals of the future are looking. If you’re not ready to take it seriously yet, consider that Bloomberg estimates it’s worth to reach a cool $800 million by 2024.

What We Know About the Metaverse So Far
In its simplest terms, the metaverse is an immersive and persistent 3D virtual environment. It’s an elegant concept that breaks the fourth wall and pulls its audience through the screen and into a new world. What was once an idea consigned to science fiction is now very much part of the here and now.

There are already prominent examples of how the metaverse is used—and not in the workplace, but as the workplace. For examples on how to host intimate and professional meetings in the virtual space, look to Horizon Workroom by the Meta Group (formerly known as Facebook). Mytaverse, a fully cloud-based platform, offered a more ambitious example of replicating the event industry in the virtual world.

But how do you enter these worlds, you ask? Well, it can be as simple as opening your phone. Rudimentary experiences are popping up, such as the Sensorium Galaxy App, which is metaverse-compatible, yet not indicative of the true spirit of the digital environment. The true way to fully immerse yourself into the metaverse is with VR headsets like Meta Quest 2. Yes, they're pricey, but with big names in tech expanding their virtual reality (VR) products, you can expect them to become more affordable soon.

How the Metaverse Can Improve Work Meetings 

1. Unlimited Space for Ideas
One thing that we take for granted with such advanced technology is boundless space—literally. An office can only hold so many TV screens, chairs and whiteboards. A laptop screen can only display so many shared documents and webcam panels. The metaverse solves the problem of space instantly. If you need another whiteboard for brainstorming, or several 3D models or screens, you can have them. No more fussing with stacks of papers and booklets, nor navigating 12 open windows at a time trying to find a statistic.

Consider that you can build a scenic landscape for your meeting room without any creative limits, especially compared to the current COVID-impacted workforce, where the Zoom screen leaves you feeling lost in a sea of faces.  

2. The Ability to Visualize and Solve Problems in 3D
The metaverse has the potential to lead to greater problem-solving, especially in industries like construction, architecture, healthcare and design. Any workplace that deals with physical objects is in luck, as the metaverse's 3D models allow for more detailed mock-ups and thus greater understanding of the materials your team is working with. (As a bonus: This leaves less up to the imagination and therefore more creative and critical thinking faculties to build on.)

3. Engagement That Feels Like a Video Game
The metaverse will improve work meetings through the concept of gamification. Think: Less work, more play, yet you're still getting work done. Even before the metaverse, gamification led to 87% of workers feeling more socially connected. It will lead to more immersive and dynamic workspaces, and by its nature, encourages employees to engage in the environment.

4. Removing Remoteness From Remote Work
Moving the remote office space from the computer screen to the metaverse will make employees feel less alienated from their colleagues. It's a domino effect: The metaverse’s unique immersive qualities will increase engagement and company culture. Then, by being in the same world (even if it's a virtual one), your colleagues will feel like they are together in a way that Zoom never will. 

5. An Increased Ability for Self-Expression
The metaverse is a great tool for self-expression as it's an opportunity for team members to be anyone they want to be. Avatars can be fun ways of building your identity, confidence and communication with your team. There are limitless creative opportunities where you aren’t limited by race, gender, physical limitations or anything else.

What’s the Catch?
It all seems too good to be true, right? We first need to consider that a considerable amount of our communication is shared through body language, which gets lost—at least for now—in the metaverse. Whether technology can account for body language in the future remains to be seen. 

Second, research on the retrosplenial cortex shows that memories are intimately tied to physical locations. In terms of work, recall is an important skill. The question then is, can spaces in the metaverse replace physical locations yet keep their ties to human memory? 

Third, it’s not a stretch to imagine that the metaverse will extenuate the phenomenon known as Zoom fatigue, where cognitive overload, the constant presence of your own image and an attack on the eye gaze are all too possible. However, perhaps the best medication is moderation.

The final point is that face-to-face interactions are associated with a greater quality of life, both personal and professional. 

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