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Industry Innovators 2024: Tina H. Li

The founder and CEO of THL Productions takes time to deeply understand what matters most to her clients.

The Unforgettable Gala, hosted by Character Media, is an event that brings together the brightest Asian Pacific Islander stars in Hollywood and now globally to celebrate achievements in the API community.
The Unforgettable Gala, hosted by Character Media, is an event that brings together the brightest Asian Pacific Islander stars in Hollywood and now globally to celebrate achievements in the API community.
Photo: Joee Wong Photography

Tina H Li Allison Maginn PhotographyPhoto: Allison Maginn PhotographyTina H. Li is the founder and CEO of THL Productions (and In the Clouds Events). She's based in Los Angeles. 

How she got her start: "My background is in digital media and program management. I studied multimedia and television production in college, which cultivated my interest in visual storytelling and creative direction. Since then, I have obtained professional certifications in areas such as project management, agile scrum methodology, marketing, and paralegal studies to diversify and strengthen my skill set.

I first ventured into event planning 15 years ago, primarily consulting for wedding clients. Over time, I have expanded my company to also support corporate events, business product launches, and entertainment award galas. This professional journey has allowed me to blend my foundation in digital media and production with strategic event planning and management."

What innovation means to her: "To me, as a project manager and event strategist, innovation means fostering a culture of creativity and tailoring within the project team to identify new methods, technologies, or approaches that improve processes, solve problems, and deliver better results efficiently. 

By promoting both innovation and forward thinking, I’m able to encourage myself and my team to take calculated risks. Pushing boundaries also allows us to create something truly unique, and we are able to identify tailored solutions or new methods that improve our project efficiency and event outcomes for our clients. 

I draw inspiration from working alongside innovative peers or facilitating collaborative brainstorming sessions. It takes a village to produce an event, and each team’s contribution shapes a successful execution. I also rely on feedback and post-event assessment from my teams, vendors, and clients to truly understand pain points and opportunities. Staying on top of the best practices and industry changes is key for sparking new ideas and better ways of doing things."

What sets her work apart: "We pride ourselves on taking the time to deeply understand what matters most to each of our clients and what they aim to achieve, from their company value to their target audience to their definitions of success. This generates a customized event road map that aligns to specific brand and business goals. Our team takes a strategic approach to create events that speak to our clients’ diverse perspectives. Diversity and inclusion serve as guiding principles in how we ideate and craft personalized experiences, actively partnering with minority-owned vendors to bring underrepresented voices into the creative process. The result is not a cookie-cutter event, but one thoughtfully tailored to uplift and serve both the client and their wider community. Our personalized approach drives results while staying true to our clients’ values."

Producing the Unforgettable Gala is 'extra special to me because 20 years ago, when I wanted to pursue a career in entertainment behind the scenes, there weren’t many Asian representations, let alone event producers,' Li says.Producing the Unforgettable Gala is "extra special to me because 20 years ago, when I wanted to pursue a career in entertainment behind the scenes, there weren’t many Asian representations, let alone event producers," Li says.Photo: BYC Photography

Memorable moments: "The most memorable event I’ve worked on recently would be the annual Asian American Entertainment award show known as the Unforgettable Gala. This event brings together the brightest Asian Pacific Islander stars in Hollywood and now globally to celebrate the achievements in the API community. It is extra special to me because 20 years ago, when I wanted to pursue a career in entertainment behind the scenes, there weren’t many Asian representations, let alone event producers. But look at us now; there are so many talents being recognized and I got to lead the team to make it all happen! The feeling is beyond amazing and rewarding."

Her vision for the future of the event industry: "When it comes to the future of events, I envision utilizing the latest technology to enhance production efficiency behind the scenes and elevate attendee experiences across the board. AI could help analyze client needs, identify risks, and automate repetitive processes, thus closing gaps in the workflow.

Immersive tech like VR and AR can also create next-level attendee engagement. By strategically leveraging innovation, events can expand reach, deepen impact, and nurture human connection. My aim is to help steer the industry to embrace advances in a way that unlocks creativity and brings more value to all stakeholders."

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