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2024 BizBash 40 Under 40: Abby Borden

Abby Borden, 38, is culinary event producer for Table Set Go.

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Abby Borden, 38, is culinary event producer for Table Set Go. She's based in Los Angeles. A quote from her nomination: "Abby is a consummate professional with an incredible energy and spirit. She started her own company before COVID and has been rocking it. She is brilliant with food and beverages and has a fantastic creative spirit."

What my day-to-day looks like: "No day is the same! Conference calls for various projects, lots of emails, a menu tasting when I'm lucky."

My career journey: "I started as an assistant! First, I was the assistant to an event producer part time, until I found a full-time job as the assistant to a Hollywood agent (yes, just like Entourage). While at the agency, I volunteered to be a part of the Young Hollywood Party planning committee and realized that I had enjoyed that much more than the job I was being paid for—and so I returned to events. I went on to work as a coordinator at two catering companies, and you could not get me out of the kitchen. The creativity of the chefs, the smell of brownies wafting through the air ducts, the encouragement to taste everything—I felt like I had found home!  

Borden's greatest career accomplishment is her relationship with The Recording Academy, which produces the Grammys. 'The recognition and trust that I receive from that team year over year is immense, and I'm exceptionally grateful every time they call me back,' she says.Borden's greatest career accomplishment is her relationship with The Recording Academy, which produces the Grammys. "The recognition and trust that I receive from that team year over year is immense, and I'm exceptionally grateful every time they call me back," she says.Photo: John Brice Photography

Eventually, I was promoted as far as I could be, and I started thinking, 'If I were the boss, I'd make a different selection' or 'If I were in charge, I'd change X,' and when I got tired of 'someday, one day,' I took the leap! I'm immensely thankful for the clients and vendors who supported me in the transition and are still on my 'frequently called' list today."

What inspires me: "Hospitality. My love language is 'acts of service,' and it's inspiring to me how that can be conveyed in something as small as a welcome note, to honoring a dietary restriction or serving a nostalgic meal.

Artists. Out-of-the-box thinking, creativity, and a mastery in marrying different elements together. Chefs and bartenders can be artists too, playing with ingredients, flavors, and techniques to create something delicious and beautiful on a plate or in a glass. Creatives can easily be overlooked, while I look for opportunities to celebrate their talents."

My greatest career accomplishment: "My relationship with The Recording Academy. I started working on the Grammy Celebration as an assistant to the producer, then a talent wrangler, then the catering coordinator—honestly, the title doesn't serve how my role has evolved over 14 years! The recognition and trust that I receive from that team year over year is immense and I'm exceptionally grateful every time they call me back."

Borden says her love language is 'acts of service.' 'It's inspiring to me how that can be conveyed in something as small as a welcome note, to honoring a dietary restriction or serving a nostalgic meal,' she says.Borden says her love language is "acts of service." "It's inspiring to me how that can be conveyed in something as small as a welcome note, to honoring a dietary restriction or serving a nostalgic meal," she says.Photo: Courtesy of Abby Borden

The advice I would give my younger self: "Don't take the small details for granted. Although I started as an office assistant in catering, I still picked up service staff shifts too, and that's where I learned napkin folding, how to pin linens on tables, place settings, and I'm amazed sometimes that it's what I get hired for now! Especially after COVID, some of those details have become a 'lost art.' At entry level, it may seem mundane, but having those skills in the background is a terrific asset.  

Become friendly with the people you admire and enjoy working with the most. I'm lucky enough to show up to event sites where I see so many familiar faces that it just feels like a great time spent with friends. Bonus is getting to dress up, the free crew meal, and sometimes a quick spin on the dance floor."

My leadership style: "Having started as an assistant myself, to now becoming my own boss, I always ask team members or new vendors: What's your favorite part of the job, and your least favorite part? What are you really good at, what are you not good at, what would you like to do better? That then allows me to listen for the opportunities best suited to them."

My ideal day OOO: "Exploring a local market in a foreign city."

What's next: "My own wedding! I'm getting married in June. Being your own client and curating a celebration for your own friends and family is something totally different. Then comes a new chapter of balancing work and family."

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