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How to Make the Most of LinkedIn

Here’s how to stay connected and engaged on the social media platform.


LinkedIn is Facebook with a tie, explains Karen Rosenzweig, public speaker and owner of One Smart Cookie Marketing. “It’s the most professional social media platform,” she says. “LinkedIn is like an electronic Rolodex. It’s a great way to bring your network to life.”

The platform’s tools allow B2B and B2C executives to learn, share and connect with like-minded professionals, with the potential to expand relationships beyond the capability of other social media channels. Here are three ways LinkedIn can help you up your professional game. 

Make Connections

Mike Ferreira, MHA, owner and founder of Meetings Made Easy, says LinkedIn has grown in much the same way as Facebook. Just as Facebook began as a tool for college students to engage, LinkedIn was originally the “resume for professionals.” Now, “LinkedIn is where the biggest target audience is,” says Ferreira.

The platform’s algorithm makes suggestions for future connections based on existing connections. You’ve heard of six degrees of separation? On LinkedIn it’s now two degrees of separation, according to Rosenzweig.

Action item: “There is no LinkedIn without connections. You need connections so when you put information out there people are seeing it,” says Rosenzweig.

Action item: “Make sure your page is current and complete, including the About section. Failing to update the About section on your LinkedIn profile is like applying for a job without a cover letter,” she says.

Engage Stakeholders

As chief sales officer for Visit Oakland, Rhanee Palma, CDME, travels almost weekly for her job. LinkedIn allows her to share updates in real time while advocating on behalf of her stakeholders.

“I love being able to educate people on all the exciting things happening in Oakland and the tourism industry,” says Palma. “With meeting planners as the majority of my audience, they appreciate the behind-the-scenes posts. LinkedIn allows me to spread the word about Oakland, keeping our destination top of mind.”

Action item: “Be visible at least once a week. Do something—engage and comment. Too many people have a LinkedIn profile but never take any action,” says Rosenzweig.

Share Relevant Content

Palma says there are many ways her content benefits the Visit Oakland stakeholders:

  • Hotel sales managers can read about updates to sell Oakland better to their clients.
  • Restaurants and retailers become aware of upcoming conferences in Oakland.
  • Hotel ownership groups and the board of directors can see how the Visit Oakland sales team executes on the road.

Action item: “Post articles on LinkedIn to establish yourself as an influencer. Articles are stored on your profile. They don’t disappear from your profile like shared posts,” says Rosenzweig.

Industry experts:

Rhanee Palma, CDME, uses the platform to spread the word about the destination as she travels. She was a Connect Sports Game Changer in 2019.

Mike Ferreira, MHA, as a hotel contract negotiator, uses his personal profile and Meetings Made Easy profile on LinkedIn to help hotels, CVBs and other preferred partners with inbound marketing. He was a Connect Corporate 40 Under 40 in 2018.

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