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Commit to Weekly Wellness to Avoid Employee Burnout

Garden Streets makes it easy to commit to engagement and wellness through prescheduled, livestreamed content that takes a holistic approach to avoiding burnout in the office.

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Productivity has increased as more and more employees work from home, but research has shown that this comes at the cost of higher numbers of hours worked. In turn, employees are experiencing higher levels of burnout, fatigue and stress. Employers are looking for ways to prevent burnout, but it’s hard to find the balance.

Garden Streets, an employee engagement and wellness company, has a unique solution through prescheduled, weekly wellness events. Employees receive a schedule and weekly reminders for upcoming wellness events. These events vary in content and are designed with diverse needs and interests in mind to achieve all-around wellness. From yoga, meditation and healthy eating strategies to edible gardening and watercolor demonstrations, these weekly live events offer something for everyone.

Each of Garden Streets’ livestreamed wellness events lasts one hour, and is prescheduled on a weekly basis, so they don’t require a big commitment on the attendees’ calendar. Most importantly, prescheduled events take the hassle out of scheduling because it’s already there!  The Garden Streets team can also customize the time and content so it’s best fit for your group.

We are especially excited about Garden Streets’ interest-based series that provides attendees with the opportunity to pursue a specific interest in depth over multiple sessions, such as origami, painting, journaling or calligraphy. These are especially great for exploring and developing hobbies, which are proven to promote mental health and wellness.

To further boost employee wellness and engagement, clients are able to supplement their weekly wellness program with hands-on live events with curated kits or request specific class offerings in addition to the weekly wellness offerings! Celebrating wellness week, wellness month or hosting a company-wide conference soon? Garden Streets will work with you to customize an events calendar for any specific time period.

Garden Streets’ prescheduled livestreaming for wellness are great resources for remote teams and virtual conference attendees to improve work-life balance and reduce burnout. Here are some of our favorites:

To Kick Off the Day:

  • Fruitful Smoothie Bowl
  • Chai Energy Bites and Yogi Tea (Vegan)
  • Morning Journaling for Focus and Centering

For a Midday Break

  • Easy Stretches for Better Posture
  • Meal Prep Techniques for Healthy Weekday Eating
  • Sound Bath for a Clear Mind
  • Walk Through Presidio With Naturalist Guide Darryl
  • Kayaking Through the BioLuminescence Pool at the Virgin Islands

For an End-of-Day Wind Down

  • The Art of Journaling
  • So You Want to Try Stand-Up Comedy
  • End-of-Day Hatha Yoga
  • Cocktail 101
  • Meditation for Letting Go (the Day)
  • Modular Origami (multiple sessions to create modular origami models that take longer to complete)
  • Macrame Projects (join an expert Macrame artist to create designs and work on projects together
  • Knitting (join a knitting expert to design pieces and complete them together over multiple sessions)