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PatrĂłn Promotion Supports Local Artists

Sapatron Simply Perfect Chicago 5
Photo: Peter Barreras/AP Images for PatrĂłn Spirits

PatrĂłn's "Simply Perfect" Art Project is taking place at 50 East Chicago Ave. through December 31. Tied to the spirit company's "Eliminate Regifting" ad campaign, the pop-up promotion lets emerging local artists create pieces in the storefront space as holiday shoppers look on.

The artists' creations will feed an online art auction that passersby can access by scanning a QR code on the storefront's window. Consumers then bid on items, and all proceeds benefit the Chicago Artists' Coalition. The idea is that the donation, or generosity in general, is an offering that can't be re-gifted.

There is, however, a little something extra in it for the artist whose work receives the highest bid: That individual will get exposure in a 2012 print advertisement for PatrĂłn. The activation began on November 15 and is taking place simultaneously in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York.

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