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Ask the Editors: What Industry Trends From 2020 Do You Hope Are Here to Stay?

From drive-thru activations to inclusive hybrid events, the BizBash team shares what trends they hope stick around as live events make their return in 2021.

Last summer, San Diego-based experiential agency GDX Studios developed an idea of a drive-thru activation to give brands a safe, fun and interactive way to host immersive activations for fans and consumers.
Last summer, San Diego-based experiential agency GDX Studios developed an idea of a drive-thru activation to give brands a safe, fun and interactive way to host immersive activations for fans and consumers.
Rendering: Jessica Kowalski

“The sense of innovation and out-of-the-box thinking! But also, we’re finally learning to be respectful of attendees’ time and obligations. People can’t always attend in person due to distance, health, money concerns or family obligations, and I’m really excited for hybrid events that allow for a much more diverse group of attendees."
—Claire Hoffman, Executive Editor, Los Angeles

“Through the increased reliance on virtual, I think events have become much more inclusive, accessible and communal, a trend that will hopefully continue into the future. I also think that, going forward, events will be more thoughtful and deliberate, with planners seriously asking: ‘Why are we hosting this?’”
—Michele Laufik, Senior Contributing Editor, New York

“My current obsessions are drive-thru experiences and at-home swag. I love how GDX Studios is rethinking pop-ups to create interactive experiences right from your vehicle; and how brands like Gifts for Good allow you to create personalized gifting—that also gives back—for virtual attendees around the world. I’m all for this new level of engagement!”
—Brittany (Bucceroni) Jaber, Director of Marketing, Philadelphia 

“I just hope the creativity is here to stay. It’s inspiring to see this industry’s resilience and innovative solutions come alive to keep serving our people no matter the challenges we face, and I know it won’t stop here!”
—Aaliyah McNeal, Graphic Designer, Atlanta

“I like how events that have a virtual component are going beyond just streaming. Sending virtual attendees swag and engaging them specifically is just a really awesome way to make events more inclusive and available. I loved Algenist’s product launch master class—that’s a trend I can get on board with!”
—Katrina M. Randall, Senior Copy Editor, New York

"I'm sure I'm not the only one that's not too upset about the new socially distanced floor plans at live events, especially concerts! In addition to just personally liking the extra space, I think these new layouts also make live events more inclusive to those who may not be as comfortable in larger crowds. It allows them to experience the beauty of an in-person gathering, without dealing with the anxiety that could come from attending. It's been cool to see companies like CORT Events and The Green Room get creative with socially distanced vignettes that still cultivate conversation and networking between keynote speakers or breakout sessions. I hope to see more of this out-of-the-box thinking in 2021!" 
—Ashton Pike, Editorial Director, Atlanta

A version of this story appeared in the fall 2020 issue of BizBash.

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