On-DemandWebinars & Virtual EventsHybrid Events: An Interactive Case StudyHow did we go hybrid? BizBash, MeetingPlay and akire productions sit down to discuss the key takeaways from BizBash Live in Tampa.September 2, 2021How did we go hybrid?Log in to view the full articleLatest in Webinars & Virtual EventsWebinars & Virtual EventsIncentive Trips UnveiledWebinars & Virtual EventsImmersive Experiences UnveiledWebinars & Virtual EventsHarnessing Event Tech for a Frictionless Onsite ExperienceWebinars & Virtual EventsEvent PersonalizationRelated StoriesWebinars & Virtual EventsThe Myths and Realities of Event Budgets Post-COVIDWebinars & Virtual EventsGoing Global: Catering to Audiences Around the WorldWebinars & Virtual EventsEmotionally Engaging Attendees in the New Era of Events