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Podcast: Are You Giving Your Customers the Best Possible Event Experience? (Episode 171)

Professional speaker David Avrin discusses how focusing on the customer journey gives companies a meaningful competitive advantage.

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Hosts: David Adler, Beth Kormanik
Guest: David Avrin

In this episode of GatherGeeks, BizBash C.E.O. David Adler and editor in chief Beth Kormanik hear from business marketing speaker David Avrin. He explains the difference between customer service and customer experience, and shares best practices for dealing with unhappy attendees, getting customers to come back every year, and ways to keep conversations going post-event. He also discusses the importance of scheduling downtime at meetings, the power of FOMO, how new technology will change presentations, speaker trends for the future, and more.

Sponsored by Zkipster. Running time: 41:57.

Show Notes

Roundtable Discussion: are guest experience and customer experience the same thing?; why companies should avoid contact forms; how measuring R.O.I. will change in the future; will speaker holograms become a thing?

Further Reading: Buy Avrin's new book, Why Customers Leave (and How to Win Them Back):

This Episode Is Sponsored By: Zkipster
Building a memorable experience for your guests means planning every detail right. Zkipster is the guest management platform designed to help you create perfect experiences, from impressive online invitations to seamless check-in at the door. Get started at with a free test event.

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