Absolut vodka launched its Absolut Album Covers advertising campaign with a colorful, vodka-soaked launch party at new Chelsea bar Go. Hundreds of partygoers crowded into the all-white bar, which features a state-of-the-art lighting system that can bathe the space in a kaleidoscope of 16.7 million different colors. As the slowly transforming lights turned the walls into a rainbow of colors, small seating arrangements with white couches and private bottles of vodka on white cube tables served as small V.I.P. areas.
The event was held to celebrate the launch of the company's new ad campaign, which features famous rock legends (such as David Bowie, Judas Priest, and a naked John Lennon and Yoko Ono) in slightly-manipulated photos to illustrate the ubiquitous Absolut bottle silhouette that adorns the vodka ads. Blowups of the ads were displayed on the walls of the venue, and bottles of the several varieties of vodka were decoratively arranged behind the bar. And despite the numerous other parties that were going on the same night (two days before Fashion Week commenced), Absolut packed the bar to capacity, and had several partygoers waiting in line for entry. (We overheard one check-in girl explain that the fire marshall was ready to shut the party down if they let any more people in.)
--Suzanne Ito
Read about the Absolutdirector.com Web site launch party...
The event was held to celebrate the launch of the company's new ad campaign, which features famous rock legends (such as David Bowie, Judas Priest, and a naked John Lennon and Yoko Ono) in slightly-manipulated photos to illustrate the ubiquitous Absolut bottle silhouette that adorns the vodka ads. Blowups of the ads were displayed on the walls of the venue, and bottles of the several varieties of vodka were decoratively arranged behind the bar. And despite the numerous other parties that were going on the same night (two days before Fashion Week commenced), Absolut packed the bar to capacity, and had several partygoers waiting in line for entry. (We overheard one check-in girl explain that the fire marshall was ready to shut the party down if they let any more people in.)
--Suzanne Ito
Read about the Absolutdirector.com Web site launch party...