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INSPIRATION: Disco on Display

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It’s a revival—as the New York Public Library for the Performing ArtsDorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center (40 Lincoln Center Plaza, 212.870.1630) focuses attention on the extravagant aspect of the 70’s with its “Disco: A Decade of Saturday Nights” exhibition. Showcasing a collection of more than 200 artifacts, the exhibit has photographs and memorabilia of the days of disco, as well as flamboyant costumes from performers like the Bee Gees and Patti LaBelle (pictured). There are also listening stations and video footage that includes interviews with icons of the age, television shows, and performances. Visitors can even make their own dance mixes in an interactive DJ booth. The exhibition begins on February 1 and continues through May 14. —Mark Mavrigian
Posted 01.26.05
Photo: Experience Music Project

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