On the Cheap: Made in Japan, Design Within Reach’s wooden blocks puzzle octagon ($65) has 12 interlocked pieces that can be disassembled with the correct amount of twisting and turning—sort of a modern version of the Rubik’s Cube.
Mid-Price: For a playful take on a serious game, Umbra’s wobble chess set ($300) has a board made of concave cherry and maple wood squares that cause each round-bottomed piece to sway.
Splurge: Part art piece, part mental therapy, Finding Sequence ($1,598) is made by Mizzonk Workshop, a Maple Ridge, British Columbia-based company specializing in limited-edition furniture and home accessories. Users can remove the three coiled strings of clay beads from the cedar box to form shapes.
Photo: Courtesy of Umbra
Photo: Courtesy of Design Within Reach
Photo: Courtesy of Umbra
Photo: Courtesy of Mizzonk