The Warner Brothers holiday picture Four Christmases premiered Thursday at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in a swirl of pre-Thanksgiving holiday spirit. In the movie, a San Francisco couple named Brad and Kate—played by Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon—visit all four of their divorced parents on a single Christmas day.
Guests arrived to a wintery scene on the red carpet, decked with multiple Christmas trees and fake snow. Following the screening, about 800 guests walked to the Hollywood Roosevelt for a reception. Warner Brothers vice president of publicity and special events Courtney Saylor worked with Natalie McAdams of Namevents on the production. “Most of the decor is in the ballroom, where we created four different living room sets—one for each family. We took stills from the film and used them for inspiration to guide us,” McAdams said.
An area representing Kate’s mother’s living room was done in shades of white and had a flocked Christmas tree with religious symbols and white and silver ornaments. Kate’s father’s living room was a traditional space with oversized leather couches and a Christmas tree in reds and golds. Brad’s father’s set had a hunting and fishing theme—per the tastes of the character, played by Robert Duvall. Brad’s mother, a free spirit, had a living room with bright colors and a Christmas tree with butterfly ornaments.
The lobby at the Roosevelt featured carolers, poinsettias, and burgundy and gold Christmas decor. The hotel’s restaurant, Dakota, became a dessert room where a Santa-shaped ice sculpture served as a centerpiece on a sweets buffet. White carpet and white velvet linens topped tables, while large snowflake decor pieces hung from the ceiling. Crumbs Bakeshop supplied cupcakes, and a photo station with a holiday-themed background set the stage for souvenirs.