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Pampering for Pink

Ocean Drive magazine hosted a pink-inspired pampering party to raise funds for breast cancer research.

Spa treatments and mini yoga sessions were offered during the event.
Spa treatments and mini yoga sessions were offered during the event.

Last night Ocean Drive magazine hosted it's inaugural Pink Oasis party in honor of breast cancer awareness month at the Mandarin Oriental Miami. Held on the property's private beach, guests were invited to sip pink sparkling cocktails and vanilla champagne as they visited one of the many interactive cabanas for a pampering or wellness treatment. Therapists from the hotel's renowned spa were on hand providing a variety of complimentary spa treatments such as Thai massages and neck, shoulder, back, and hand massages, while other areas offered aromatherapy and mini yoga sessions. Small bites such as beef skewers, shrimp dumplings, and pink cupcakes-from Stella's Sweet Shoppe-were also served.

Attendees were asked for a $20 donation to benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which also gave them the opportunity to win one of a many raffle prizes such as gift baskets from White Tea Room, Aroma Therapy Associates, and the hotel spa.

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