American Idol is known for making nobodies into well-known somebodies. But before the major elimination drama begins, Fox throws a party for each season’s top 12 contestants that is relatively low on hype and high on down-home feeling. Tomiko Iwata oversaw this year’s event on Thursday, March 8, at WP in the Pacific Design Center, which was awash in logos and products from sponsor Coca-Cola. Wolfgang Puck’s menu included hearty comfort foods like pasta, veggies, baked potatoes, and a build-your-own ice cream sundae bar. Images Printed on Chocolate doled out lollipops emblazoned with guests’ photographs—not a brand-new concept, but a runaway hit of the night, with wait times topping an hour to retrieve the sweets. By the way, Fox blitzed the party circuit last week, with a launch party for The Wedding Bells the following night at the Ebell Theatre.
—Alesandra Dubin
Posted 03.14.07
—Alesandra Dubin
Posted 03.14.07