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New Book Serves Up Inspired Italian Recipes

One Pot Italian Cooking by Massimo Capra
One Pot Italian Cooking by Massimo Capra
Photo: Courtesy of Whitecap Books
Celebrated chef Massimo Capra presents sumptuous yet simple Italian dishes in his new book, One Pot Italian Cooking, launched recently by Whitecap Books. Written by the co-owner of the hugely popular Mistura and Sopra Upper Lounge in Toronto, the book passes along more than 100 easy, authentic Italian recipes ranging from chocolate risotto to stewed beef short ribs. The cookbook captures the culinary enthusiasm Capra has become known for in his television appearances on Cityline and Restaurant Makeover, thanks to the bright photographs featured throughout the 192 pages. Capra is depicted in the kitchen and the restaurant, demonstrating techniques, explaining ingredients, and revealing tips.
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