Palm Beach Illustrated hosted its first Furniture & Fashion Fusion party on Wednesday night to celebrate the release of its September issue, which centers around home design. The company worked with advertisers Robb & Stucky Interiors and Saks Fifth Avenue Palm Beach Gardens to integrate the two concepts at the former's 80,000-square-foot showroom in Palm Beach Gardens.
"We wanted it to be a celebration of fall trends and to show the complementary nature of furniture and fashion," said Allison Reckson, executive director of marketing and special projects for the Palm Beach Media Group.
Upon arrival, the 300 guests each received a map of the bilevel showroom. Throughout the space, Saks set up six vignettes of the fall fashions including evening wear, men's clothing, and St. John. Additionally, the company also set up three makeup, two fragrance, and one skin-care station featuring brands like Laura Mercier and Kiehl's.
Local catering company Christafaro's and restaurants III Forks and RA Sushi provided small bites at five food stations on both floors of the showroom. Blue Martini West Palm Beach served a Pinnacle Vodka cocktail called the Palm Beacher, created specifically for the event, at each of the three bars.
Jazz saxophonist Will Bridges performed alongside guitarist Clinton Powell during the party.