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Why Branded Event Experiences Are Important and How to Get Them Right

Branding both live and virtual event experiences are vital to creating engaging, successful events. Here’s how to do it right.


Branded event experiences have always been critical to the success of an event—that’s not going away. But today, integrating your brand’s personality, values, and design aesthetic, while communicating this seamlessly to both in-person and virtual attendees, is more vital to boosting brand awareness than ever before.

Why? The world of events has transformed into a more dynamic playing field. While live events will always be a cornerstone of brand engagement, virtual events have given brands the potential for greater reach and more inclusive practices. By creating branding experiences, you’ll foster more impactful relationships and greater brand loyalty.

How can you create a branded experience for both live and virtual attendees? Take these strategies for a test drive.

  • Event Landing Page: Marketing events through an event landing page is an important component to include in your branding. It may be the first place a potential attendee learns about your event and is convinced they should register. The page should be easily identifiable that it’s your brand hosting the event. Through an event platform like Hubilo, which was designed for deeper engagement, you can gather detailed information about visitors to the page—helping you better target your audience and communicate with them through branded messaging.
  • Registration Page: Customizing registration through an event platform will allow your audience to see your style, aesthetic, and imagery from the get-go. It’s also an efficient way to monitor conversions.
  • Homepage: Make sure you add a section about your event on your website with a link to the event’s landing page. It’s an easy way to promote your event and engage visitors.
  • Marketing Collaterals: Seamless branding across emails, social media, ads, and swag bags is an effective way to market your event, whether it’s in person, virtual or hybrid. This way you can keep in communication with subscribers while promoting the event to current clients, potential clients, and registered users. Tip: Make sure to include a call to action in all digital communications.
  • In-session Branding: Engagement during the day of the event in person and virtually is a critical component to building brand loyalty. This can be done in several ways, including through games, online polls for your virtual users, and speaker engagement. Using an event platform that offers chat moderation, breakout rooms, and plenty of other options to engage attendees is important. For example, through Hubilo’s platform, attendees can participate in gamification, live polls, and Q&As. They can also drop reactions and emojis through the platform’s interface.
  • Partner, Exhibitor & Sponsor Branding: Provide your event partners, exhibitors and sponsors customized branding opportunities to also raise their brand awareness. This can be done by including their logos and information in marketing materials, allowing them to create a virtual profile through your event platform for virtual and hybrid events, creating breakout rooms for exhibitor demos, and networking lounges so that attendees can engage with the speaker or sponsor. This will give them more incentive to partner again while allowing you to cross-promote.
  • Native Mobile App: Through its native app, Hubilo offers virtual attendees the ability to stream events, providing attendees with a convenient mobile alternative to a laptop with all the perks of attending the event fully.

When it comes to branding your company and event, you should never feel you have to compromise. Customized capabilities should be carefully considered when choosing your event tech partner. Virtual events aren’t going away—and we don’t want them to. But choosing a virtual and hybrid event platform that enhances your brand experience rather than constrains it is now essential to creating fully formed experiences that are engaging and memorable.