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Convention Center Proposed for WTC Site

One of the proposed ideas for the World Trade Center site could have a big impact on New York's event community. Guy Tozzoli, who headed the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey's World Trade Department when the towers were built, has proposed that a 1,350,000-square-foot exhibition and convention center be built below ground at the site to help boost the city's tourism industry, according to Meeting News.

"The Javits Center is operating at capacity, and the 64 largest conventions cannot come to New York because we do not have a facility capable of handling them," Tozzoli told the trade pub. He predicts the convention center would bring three million visitors to lower Manhattan each year and would generate $3 billion in spending. The center would have two levels, one with 36-foot ceilings and the other with 32-foot ceilings.

A spokesperson from NYC & Company, the city's convention bureau, told the paper, "The proposal underscores the need for additional convention space here, [but] NYC continues to fully support Governor Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg's efforts to expand the Javits Center."

Posted 06.26.02
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