Connect Spring Marketplace Just Got Better.
Connect Spring Marketplace Just Got Better—Win Big at Wynn.

Thanks for Coming to Our Show

You did make it to our trade show last week, didn’t you? Cause more than 3,000 people turned out for the Meeting & Event Style Show at Pier 94 last Thursday and Friday—up from 2,750 last year. Thanks to everyone who came—it was good to see you.

For those of you who didn’t make it, a quick recap: There were lots of planners, lots of exhibitors, lots of reunions and kisses on the cheek. We found plenty of good ideas and tips we’ll share with you in a few days, and we got plenty of news leads, ideas for stories, and insights into the way the event industry is changing.

Keynote speaker Simon Doonan was funny, the speakers in our education sessions were smart (seriously—thanks, guys), and the inductees into our Event Industry Hall of Fame were gracious. (Those would be New York Society of Association Executives president and C.E.O. Joel Dolci, Event Associates founders Ellin Delsener and Dorothy Aschkenasy, Tobak Lawrence Company cofounder Suzanne Tobak, ENK International president Elyse Kroll, McFaddin Event Associates founder Jean McFaddin, and dance troupe Pilobolus.)

We’re kind of bragging, so we’ll just sum up: We’re exhausted, but we’re already looking ahead to next year’s show on November 8 and 9, 2006. Save the date, and we’ll see you there.
Posted 10.26.05
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