The festival entrance included several portals where guests could scan their R.F.I.D. wristbands to gain entry. For those who linked their wristbands to their Facebook accounts, the system instantly posted a check-in letting their friends know they were at Bonnaroo.
Photo: Courtesy of Superfly Presents
"Checked in by Ford Escape" appeared with each of the Facebook check-ins, which organizers say totaled 200,000 over the four-day festival.
Photo: Courtesy of Superfly Presents
At four locations around Bonnaroo, concertgoers could swipe their wristbands to take a photo that would post to their Facebook accounts.
Photo: Erika Goldring
Organizers placed two check-in portals near each of the five stages. Guests who swiped their wristbands received a Spotify playlist of the act's setlist at the end of the day.
Photo: Erika Goldring
Twenty check-in portals were located around the festival grounds, including near stages, at the cinema and comedy tents, and at the silent disco.
Photo: Erika Goldring
Through the campaign, Makeup Show attendees upload photos of themselves holding signs to social media platforms. The signs indicate names, titles, and have the phrase "Meet Me at the Makeup Show."