For the after-party for the film Wonderstruck, Amazon Studios took over Nikki Beach’s pop-up venue for a 1920s-theme affair on May 18. The movie, which is partially set in the 1920s and focuses on a girl’s passion for film, included decor such as film reels, lace, antique birdcages, and staff in on-theme attire. Since Wonderstruck was actually shot on film, event producer Brilliant Consulting printed still images from the movie and put them inside film strips that adorned the walls. Kodak also supplied props.
Nikki Beach Cannes, located at La Plage of the InterContinental Carlton Hotel, will be open through May 28.
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett
Photo: Dave Benett