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Has Apple Created Too Much Buzz for the iPhone Launch?

The long-anticipated release of Apple's iPhone occurs Friday night, and the hype, which Apple has been building for six months, is huge. Now some are wondering if the buzz is too big. Chris Hazelton, an analyst with market researcher IDC, told the Associated Press that it is "almost dangerous to the success of the device. God knows what's going to happen when the reviews come out."

Excitement began at the Macworld Conference and Expo in January, when Apple C.E.O. Steve Jobs unveiled the prototype to a standing ovation from thousands. A successful PR campaign fed a hungry media, and the now-settled trademark lawsuit with Cisco and consistent news releases have kept the phone in the public eye ever since.

Overnight lines are expected as Apple fans fight to get one of the "first-come, first-serve" iPhones, but Apple should also anticipate intense scrutiny as control of the conversation moves into the hands of reviewers.
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