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Will on the Hill's 20-person cast
Will on the Hill's 20-person cast
Photo: Kevin Allen
On Monday night, the Shakespeare Theater Company held its annual Will on the Hill event, where some 20 D.C. personalities and members of Congress took the stage to perform in A Comedy of Capitol Errors. While all was status quo throughout most of the evening, one glitch did occur: According to Yeas and Nays, half the cast was missing at curtain call, due to a vote on the Hill—which artistic director Michael Kahn eloquently dubbed as "democracy in action" when he made apologies to the 300-person audience.

"We handle events every day, but to work with a cast that doesn't have any experience is difficult," added associate director of special events Joanne Coutts. "But they're really engaged and want to be part of the event."

Written by playwright Peter Byrne and directed by Ethan McSweeny, the play (staged on the set of the current Julius Caesar production) featured cast members such as Vermont senator Patrick Leahy, Capitol File publisher Susan Nixon, and Motion Picture Association of America chairman Daniel Glickman."It's been a lot easier to get people to participate this year because of the Harman's buzz," Coutts told us last week, referring to the theater company's new Harman Center for the Arts, which opened in October.

Once the cast took the stage around 8 p.m., after warmup student performances from Hamlet and Julius Caesar, the hourlong play followed a plot about long-lost twins independently elected to Congress, starring sisters (and California representatives) Linda and Loretta Sanchez.
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