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DEADLINE EXTENDED: Enter the Event Experience Awards by Oct. 16 ⌛️

Top 50 Event Designers 2019: Kristin Banta

The Los Angeles-based Banta on bringing objects to life.

%{[ data-embed-type="image" data-embed-id="5d03dbf6a68275761e8b4590" data-embed-element="span" data-embed-size="640w" data-embed-alt="&ldquo;Classical music was brought to life with an array of instruments suspended over the dance floor and sheets of music captured in glass cloches. The world of reading and literature was represented by opened books on each table&mdash;their pages stretching to the ceiling.&rdquo; Pictured: B&rsquo;Nai Mitzvah" data-embed-src="https://img.bizbash.com/files/base/bizbash/bzb/image/2019/06/2018_09_22_terranea_013_2__credit_Andre_Maier.5d03dbf25d7cd.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&w=1280&q=70" data-embed-caption="“Classical music was brought to life with an array of instruments suspended over the dance floor and sheets of music captured in glass cloches. The world of reading and literature was represented by opened books on each table—their pages stretching to the ceiling.”<br><br> <i>Pictured: B’Nai Mitzvah</i>" data-embed-credit="Photo: Andre Miller" data-embed-width="1920" data-embed-height="2302" ]}%Img 7273Photo: Courtesy of Kristin Banta EventsBanta’s Los Angeles-based event design and production firm (@kristinbanta) consults, designs, and produces for a diverse roster of clients including entertainment networks, PR companies, hospitality brands, and tech companies, along with private and social clientele. Events range from corporate galas, brand activations, and entertainment industry soirees to society weddings. Plus, the event designer is currently in the initial stages of developing a product line.

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