Entertaining a particularly adventuresome group or executive? Try a flight on the Black & White Biplane, which flies from Santa Monica's Atlantic Aviation Terminal. In the cockpit of the historic plane, leather seats complement the varnished wood instrument panel, and passengers are outfitted with traditional flying helmets containing headsets that enable them to communicate with the pilot. Tony Bill—the Academy Award-winning producer of The Sting and director of pictures like Flyboys (about WWI combat pilots)—is the plane's new pilot. But fear not: The new gig is more than just a lark for a movie man who started flying at 13, has more than 3,000 hours under his belt, and holds a commercial pilot's license.
Flight options include a flyover of Santa Monica Bay, LAX, and the harbor at Long Beach with the Queen Mary at dock; a trip west and north toward Malibu and Point Dume; or downtown above the city and skyscrapers, with a turn near the Hollywood sign on the way back. Longer trips can incorporate more sights, and custom flights can be arranged. Rates start at $349 for a 90-minute package, including nearly an hour in the plane with 30 minutes in the air. A $549 package includes about 90 minutes in the plane with an hour in the air; all rates are for two passengers.