Crudite, dip, and shrimp display, on an antique cart, by L-Eat Catering in Toronto
Photo: Courtesy of L-Eat Catering

Blueberry pie pops, blueberry cobbler in iron skillets, and Guinness stout cake, by A Divine Event (770.587.9117, adivineevent.com) in Atlanta
Photo: Courtesy of A Divine Event

Dessert and artisanal tea buffet, by chef Tomas Rivera for Poko Event Productions in Los Angeles
Photo: Sean Twomey/2me Studios

Tapas bar, by Good Gracious Events! in Los Angeles, displayed on sustainable bamboo risers from Cal-Mil (800.321.9069, calmil.com)
Photo: Courtesy of Good Gracious Events!

Fruit, bread, and cheese display, by en Ville Event Design & Catering (416.533.8800, enville.com) in Toronto
Photo: Courtesy of en Ville Event Design & Catering

Housemade hot pretzel rolls with assorted mustards, heated over river rocks, by A Thyme to Cook (877.849.6386, athymetocook.com) in North Stonington, Connecticut
Photo: Courtesy of A Thyme to Cook

Saki soy-seared tuna skewers, sous vide-style local Wagyu beef, and saffron-scented wild rice pilaf, by Disney Special Events and Catering Operations (321.939.7129, disneymeetings.com) in Buena Vista, Florida
Photo: Garth Vaughan

“On the Rocks” station, by A Joy Wallace Catering Production
Photo: Courtesy of A Joy Wallace Catering Production

Spring hors d’oeuvres table with lobster tacos, parmesan truffle popcorn, beef short rib sliders with mini shots of Guinness, shrimp tempura lollipops, and mac ’n’ cheese canapés, by Boutique Bites in Chicago
Photo: Scott Thompson