Guests at the Washington National Opera Ball watched a marzipan artist paint the decorative confections in bright colors.
Photo: Tony Brown/Imijination Photography for BizBash

At the Citymeals-on-Wheels Sweet & Savory fund-raiser in New York, restaurant Park Avenue Summer hosted a three-minute picnic for six guests per timed meal.
Photo: Jessica Torossian for BizBash

At the Baptist Health Foundation's Pineapple Sauté and Sip benefit in Coconut Grove, Florida, guests prepared their own dinners while following instructions from a professional chef onstage.
Photo: Alexis Corchado for BizBash

Guests at the Washington National Opera Ball watched a marzipan artist paint the decorative confections in bright colors.
Photo: Tony Brown/Imijination Photography for BizBash