Within days of the debut of Apple’s tablet last year, event pros were finding ways to incorporate them into events. Here are some new ways to include them:
1. On Stands
German-based iPad Butler launched its line of tablet holders in the U.S. in July, in tabletop and freestanding versions for use at events and trade shows. The plastic floor stands start at $125, the aluminum versions at $188.
2. With Photos
The folks behind LA Photo Party and Photosphere 360 have created an iPad-based app that allows event photographers to wirelessly transfer pictures from their cameras to their iPads. Guests can then upload branded photos to Facebook, Twitter, or email. The company offers a mobile stand on which an iPad and camera can both be mounted to roll throughout an event.
3. In Attendees’ Hands
Registration for the Center for Exhibition Industry Research’s annual Outlook conference in New York in September included an iPad 2, which arrived with instructions for downloading an app with all content for the gathering.