The raw food trend may seem a little dated these days—like anything else featured on Sex and the City—but the fact is the new restaurant Pure Food and Wine is New York's first upscale outpost of uncooked vegan food that isn't heated above 118 degrees. Chefs Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis and a staff of veggie advocates are now trying to convert Kobe lovers with taste bud-tricking delights like zucchini and tomato lasagna with basil-pistachio pesto. The minimalist, pretty restaurant seats 60, an outdoor garden seats 50, and a private dining room for 20 can allow you to bring a new culinary experience to a group. But—as tasty as everything is—the question remains: Will diners return for $20 plates of raw vegetables? —Chad Kaydo
Posted 06.22.04
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Posted 06.22.04
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