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2024 BizBash 40 Under 40: David Ogiste

David Ogiste, 38, is founder of Nobody's Café.

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David Ogiste, 38, is founder of Nobody's Café. He's based in London. 

My career journey: "At the age of 16, I started on my journey into brand experiences, hosting house parties for school friends. That passion for bringing people together became the driving force behind my global career, serving renowned clients like PlayStation, British Airways, Pepsi, and others. In 2020, fueled by a dream to redefine experiential agencies, I founded Nobody’s Café—a brand experience collective propelled by the power of creativity to create unforgettable experiences. Since its inception, Nobody’s Café has evolved into an award-winning agency, orchestrating global experiential activations for esteemed brands including Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, trivago, and more."

What inspires me: "I’m surrounded by so many creative influences, and pinpointing a single person, medium, or thing is challenging. However, I draw inspiration from any creative genuinely passionate about their pursuits, regardless of the industry. We can all aspire to lead lives fueled by authentic passion, and it’s inspiring to see people do that."

My greatest career accomplishment: "Establishing Nobody’s Café amid a global pandemic following a redundancy, transforming adversity into a thriving agency that keeps on flourishing nearly four years later."

Ogiste has evolved Nobody’s Café into an award-winning agency, orchestrating global experiential activations for brands like Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, and trivago.Ogiste has evolved Nobody’s Café into an award-winning agency, orchestrating global experiential activations for brands like Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, and trivago.Photo: Courtesy of David Ogiste

My most memorable event: "An influencer event in Nepal for the Uncharted 4 launch at LIGHTBLUE WW in Dubai stands out as memorable. Yet, the event that holds the most significance for me is the Diversity Isn't a Fantasy Netflix event we ran at Nobody’s Café. The profound impact it had on the attending audience makes it truly special."

The advice I would give my younger self: "Embrace the ethos that 'experience is everything' in this industry. In larger agencies, actively participate in events (even if they’re not your account), inquire about the behind-the-scenes process, and offer assistance when possible. In smaller firms, especially when closely aligned with the senior team, absorb knowledge like a sponge and take insights from their wealth of experiences."

Impressive stats I'm responsible for: "Our Netflix and trivago events both gained millions of organic social engagements—but I honestly think our industry is measuring events in the wrong way. The real power in events comes from how long the positive memories and brand connection stay with our audiences, but we only ever measure the instant responses. I’d be much happier to talk about the people who still talk [about] and remember an event I organized five years after the event—those would be impressive stats."

My ideal day OOO: "A day in New York, when the weather is just right. Kick off the day with a Rumble Boxing class, and then Russ & Daughters. Stroll around the city dropping in on shops and just taking the city in, making sure to stop in at Morgenstern’s Ice Cream and Scarr’s Pizza. Finish the day with dinner and drinks on a rooftop overlooking the city."

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