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5 Key Features to Consider When Selecting the Perfect Hybrid Event Platform

These essential platform features will help you host a successful hybrid event.

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It’s no secret that producing a hybrid event is a challenging endeavor. However, it’s also a tremendously valuable one. Bringing people together both remotely and in person is an incredible opportunity to build community through events that reach audiences at a level unlike ever before. It’s a wonderful reflection of our technological capabilities, but also our significant need for meaningful connection.

When it comes to selecting a platform to execute your hybrid event’s virtual and live components, it’s vital to an event’s success to select the right one. But what should you be looking for in a hybrid event production platform? Consider these five components offered by InEvent that ensure your event goes off without a hitch—both online and in person.

1) Event Mobile App: An event mobile app is a vital component to a thriving hybrid event. By entering your event through one easy portal, participants can organically engage with each other and the event. A dynamic social feed provides a nearly instantaneous method of interaction, helping participants to not only communicate with each other but feel they have a voice that reflects their thoughts and opinions. An app also creates pathways for networking that match up in-person and virtual attendees and provides them with tools to connect further through chat or video. Through polls, questions, and native chat, participants feel like they’re truly connecting, no matter their physical location. 

2) Event Registration and Check-In: When it comes to event registration and check-in, you want your process to be as seamless as possible. A user-friendly system that manages to process thousands of registrants quickly while also compiling registration data is essential. The system must clearly demonstrate an ability for both virtual and in-person attendees to join in and engage without hassle. This means attendee badges, unique access links, and QR codes are easily accessible and always functioning properly. 

3) Event Logistics and Budgeting: Managing event logistics and budgeting is a comprehensive effort. However, it's a vital one. You need a platform that clearly provides tools to manage everything from shuttles and flights to hotel room lists and meal vouchers. A successful hybrid event also has the ability to practice cost control, tracking expenses by category to keep you informed of your profits. 

4) Livestreaming: A hybrid event’s livestream is its livelihood, and the flexibility to offer diverse types of content streaming is imperative. InEvent utilizes a Virtual Lobby Control Room that allows hosts to manage the pixel-perfect livestream for each participant, whether they’re a presenter or attendee. One easy-to-use control bar serves as ground control for audio, video, screen-sharing and design, and allows the host to visualize the event from the perspective of the guest. It also provides the capability to use simulated prerecorded livestreaming, allowing hosts to play a prerecorded video as a livestream premiere, as well as organizing prerecorded video content for on-demand access to your content.

5) In-Person and Virtual Data Analytics: Analytics are the most valuable means of capturing event results. They allow you to not only measure your ROI but see the breakdown of data that created it. They provide granular monitoring of attendee behavior virtually and use on-site technology to help monitor spatial analytics. Custom event reporting compiles results, actions, and live data from your event that is then clearly illustrated through graphics and comprehensive explanations, allowing organizers to compare both event formats. Then, you can move forward and easily provide these reports to both your team and stakeholders with the click of a button. 

Unsure about hybrid event platforms? Check out InEvent, the all-in-one platform leading the industry in customer experience and satisfaction.