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VENUE: Retro-Modern Powder Deep

E2514disc 02 1028 Powderdeepstudios 1 152
Designed to host both clubbers and events alike, Powder Deep Studios holds great deal of promise for the event scene. Designed by superstar designer Karim Rashid, Powder Deep is a 16,000-square-foot space that features a nightclub on the first floor and a photo studio in the basement level. Rashid's design, a retro-modern explosion of orange, pink, purple and blue, will feature a mezzanine with banquette seating overlooking the central dance floor. The basement-level photo studio features a 75-foot cyclorama and a conference room. Both floors will feature state-of-the-art sound systems. Powder Deep is scheduled to open November 7. —Suzanne Ito
Posted 10.30.02

Editor's Note: Power Deep Studios no longer operates as a nightclub, but is still available for special events.

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