News of venue competition in the run-up to the presidential inauguration proves once again that it always comes down to location. Booking the most suitable digs usually takes precedence for most events, but just finding a place at all seems to be the biggest issue for the 2009 inauguration and the long weekend that precedes it.
While some are scrambling to find a home, others who have already booked a space are breathing easy, and even more wait for word from the Presidential Inauguration Committee regarding which parties will earn a coveted visit from the new president himself. Here’s a look at some of the bigger spaces the capital has to offer, and what we might see there come January 20.

The Kennedy Center, host of its own annual honors and gala (pictured), has almost 1.1 million square feet of event space available, and Oprah Winfrey is rumored to be eyeing some of it for at least one inauguration episode of her television show and a party.
Photo: Scott Suchman

The Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium hosted the 30th anniversary of Inn at Little Washington earlier this year. It's still on hold for January 20, but unconfirmed reports have a large search-related Internet company looking to host its celebration there.
Photo: JC Martins/Fotobriceno for BizBash

The Ritz-Carlton, host to the 2008 YouthAIDS gala (pictured), is already booked for the Pennsylvania Inaugural Ball. The hotel also offers inauguration-goers a four-night stay with numerous perks for $99,000.
Photo: Jonah Koch for BizBash

The National Building Museum, host of the this year's Prevent Cancer Foundation spring gala (pictured), has been home to inaugural balls since 1885 and is still on hold for January 20.
Photo: JC Martins/Fotobriceno for BizBash

A spokesperson said Union Station is on hold January 18, 19, and 20, and a decision won't be made until after Thanksgiving on account of the heightened eagerness for this inauguration. The transit hub regularly hosts public stunts like one for the History Channel (pictured) almost a year ago.
Photo: Courtesy of the History Channel

The opening bid for an inauguration night at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, host of January's BET Honors (pictured), is reportedly $150,000.
Photo: Davide DePas

Since its opening in April, the Newseum has hosted parties for Meet the Press. On inauguration night, the museum plans to stay partly open for a public party until 11 p.m.
Photo: Eric Powell for BizBash

The Texas State Society Black Tie & Boots ball has booked the new Gaylord National Resort for the night before inauguration. Gaylord hosted Inc. magazine's awards and conference (pictured) in September.
Photo: Mattox Photography

Dionne Warwick is set to throw an inauguration night ball for more than 2,000 guests in several event spaces at the Marriott Wardman Park. Its new bar hosted a launch party (pictured) for Zubrówka vodka this summer.
Photo: BizBash

Creative Coalition nabbed the Harman Center for the Arts, which also houses a theater, for its inauguration night ball.
Photo: Courtesy of The Shakespeare Theater Company