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2024 BizBash 40 Under 40: Kyle Absolom

Kyle Absolom, 31, is founder and creative director of Unboxed Group.

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Kyle Absolom, 31, is founder and creative director of Unboxed Group. He's based in Los Angeles. A quote from his nomination: "His expertise in producing live events for a diverse range of clients, coupled with his commitment to creating real-world, shareable experiences, makes him a valuable asset in the field of experiential production."

My career journey: "I've always been a creative soul unsure of where my path would lead, but certain that I wanted to bring ideas to life. I grew up just outside London and I found my way to the enchanting city of Los Angeles, where I was in awe of its lively event scene. This city doesn't sleep—from award seasons to premieres, product launches, comedy shows, and the most elaborate private events... everything happens here!

My journey led me to creative directing for photo shoots, which then transitioned to art directing for sets, and eventually into events. Working with big name brands, Fortune 500 companies, and production agencies, I discovered the thrill of building fantastical worlds through my own creative agency. It's like being a kid again, except now I get to bring those outlandish ideas to life as an adult. For me, this is exactly where I'm meant to be!

My career journey has been a colorful adventure, from the U.K. to the U.S., and from creative directing to building my own creative empire. I think producing my school prom (because my school in England didn’t have one) was a sign of things to come. It's been a wild ride, but I wouldn't have it any other way."Absolom moved from his hometown in London to Los Angeles to achieve his dreams—and it paid off. He considers the international move his greatest career accomplishment.Absolom moved from his hometown in London to Los Angeles to achieve his dreams—and it paid off. He considers the international move his greatest career accomplishment.Photo: Courtesy of Kyle Absolom

My greatest accomplishment: "I have many things I still want to achieve and accomplish, but I think of something that wasn’t a specific work event or award when I think of my greatest career accomplishment. It is taking the leap of faith and moving to America. This bold move allowed me to immerse myself in the heart of Hollywood, which has been a significant and transformative experience for my career."

My leadership style: "My leadership style revolves around creating a close-knit family where work and fun go hand in hand. I am a firm believer in overcommunication and encourage our team to speak openly and avoid making assumptions. I also believe in creating leaders. I cultivate this by giving space to each employee to have ownership of their roles and responsibilities.

Our team members also always actively participate in the initial brainstorming sessions for each project, which, at Unboxed Group, often involves collaborating with renowned brands and producing large-scale events. 

My goal is to ensure that everyone feels heard and has a sense of involvement. To motivate my team, we enjoy dinners and spend quality time together outside of work. As a boutique agency, our core group is tight, and I want to ensure that it's a fun and enjoyable environment."'I've always been a creative soul,' Absolom says, adding that producing his school prom because his school in England didn't offer one was just a sign of what was to come."I've always been a creative soul," Absolom says, adding that producing his school prom because his school in England didn't offer one was just a sign of what was to come.Photo: Courtesy of Kyle Absolom

A time I averted a complete event disaster: "In the early stages of my career, I organized a dinner for a private client with around 200 guests. I created an impressive evening for everyone, and some high-profile guests attended, which was very exciting. However, an hour before the event, the client asked about the valet, and we realized that the vendor was not there, and their phone was off—something which shouldn't have slipped anyone's minds but, hey, we’re all human.

Keeping a very straight face to the client, I internally blew up all of our contact’s phone numbers, trying to get a new company. This was also during awards season, so it was highly unlikely. At one point, I was expecting all of our staff to drive the guests' cars into a random parking lot. Luckily, three minutes before doors, our newest (at the time) and now-trusted partner arrived! You learn pretty quickly in this industry that you need more than just a plan B."Absolom's days vary from entire workdays to checking emails to being on site in LA for a project and traveling for others.Absolom's days vary from entire workdays to checking emails to being on site in LA for a project and traveling for others.Photo: Courtesy of Kyle Absolom

The advice I would give my younger self: "I would advise myself to remember that while the industry can be stressful, it's important to keep things in perspective. You're not a surgeon saving lives, so don't sweat the small stuff.

Embrace the fact that 's**t happens,' and learn from it instead of dwelling on it. Don't be afraid to share your ideas, even if they get shot down. You never know when the right idea will be heard or picked up.

Take every opportunity to learn and network with others in the industry. These skills will help you become the leader you aspire to be. And most importantly, have fun and don't take yourself too seriously. Believe in yourself and use your voice confidently, but also remember the importance of listening."

My ideal day OOO: "An ideal day for me is a chilly, rainy day spent with loved ones by a warm fireplace while enjoying some wine, sharing stories, playing games together, and oddly booking a vacation to a hot place because it’s so cold outside, ha!"

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