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Connect Spring Marketplace Just Got Better—Win Big at Wynn.

Starting Lineup: 2016's 40 Under 40

The starting lineup is made of the best and brightest on the team—the ones who would be wasted on the sidelines.

In sports, the starting lineup is made of the best and brightest on the team—the ones who would be wasted sitting on the sidelines. The same is true for this year’s 40 Under 40 roster (and one on the cusp!). Our annual list of young rock stars in corporate meetings, event technology and design, as well as speakers and hospitality industry headliners, are a group of game changers. Prepare to be inspired.

Brooke Adams SendOutCardsBrooke Adams

31 ▪ Event Coordinator SendOutCards LLC Salt Lake City


RJ Apana Apogee PhysiciansR.J. Apana

37 ▪ Director of Travel and Corporate Events Apogee Physicians Phoenix


Megan Archambeault Cosmopolitan Las VegasMegan Archambeault

32 ▪ Associate Director of Sales The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Las Vegas


Dustin Arnheim Visity IndyDustin B. Arnheim

35 ▪ Director of Sales Visit Indy Indianapolis


Ciara Basile Houston Hyatt regencyCiara Basile

32 ▪ Senior Sales Manager Hyatt Regency Houston Houston


Brandon Benson Peabody HotelBrandon Benson

33 ▪ National Sales Manager The Peabody Memphis Memphis

    Jennifer Blanes

Jennifer Blanes, CMP

36 ▪ Global Account Executive ConferenceDirect Cape Coral, Fla.


Christine Boehm Stryker SpineChristine Boehm

31 ▪ Medical Education Associate Stryker Spine Morristown, N.J.


KathrynGBolin_HS2_2015Kathryn Bolin

35 ▪ Corporate Events and Special Projects Manager Dollar Tree/Family Dollar Inc. Charlotte, N.C.


Justin Bolognino Meta AgencyJustin “JB” Bolognino

36 ▪ Founder, CEO and Head of Experience Meta New York City

    About the 40 Under 40 process: Each year, Connect Corporate highlights professionals making an early mark in the corporate meetings industry. Peers and colleagues submit nominations through our website, which then are reviewed by our editors. The editors select the final 40 honorees based on nominations, references, industry involvement, career awards, honors and other factors.

Heather Daughters Covington and BurlingHeather Daughters

38 ▪ Director of Client Services and Facilities Covington & Burling LLP Washington, D.C.


Samantha Decker AimiaSamantha Decker

28 ▪ Marketing Manager Aimia Minneapolis


David DiPuma The Defining PointDavid Mathew DiPuma, CMP

37 ▪ Marketing Manager The Defining Point Atlanta


Kevin Edmunds Hard Rock All InclusiveKevin Edmunds

32 ▪ Vice President of Sales Hard Rock All Inclusive Collection Aliso Viejo, Calif.


Derrick Eells Ten DotDerrick A. Eells

35 ▪ President TenDot Lincoln, Neb.


Trisha FontanillaTrish Fontanilla

31 ▪ Director of Customer Experience Freight Farms; Keynote Speaker Boston


Claribel GutierrezClaribel Gutierrez

37 ▪ Sales Executive Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Las Vegas


Austin Johnston AKJohnston Group eventsAustin Knight Johnston

29 ▪ Executive Director AKJohnston Group Los Angeles



Melody Khodaverdian forbes mediaMelody Khodaverdian

30 ▪ Director of Conference Partnerships Forbes Media New York City


Google Planner Nia King-RubieNia King-Rubie, CMP

30 ▪ Program Manager, U.S. Elected Official Engagement and Events Program; Public Affairs Analyst Google Washington, D.C.

    About the 40 Under 40 process: Each year, Connect Corporate highlights professionals making an early mark in the corporate meetings industry. Peers and colleagues submit nominations through our website, which then are reviewed by our editors. The editors select the final 40 honorees based on nominations, references, industry involvement, career awards, honors and other factors.

Timo Kiuru The UnthinkableTimo Kiuru

33 ▪ Founder The Unthinkable Miami, Helsinki


Kevin Lee LeadercastKevin Lee

39 ▪ Producer/Production Director Giant Impact/Leadercast Suwanee, Ga.


Victoria Lee Estee LauderVictoria Lee, CMP

25 ▪ Assistant Manager, Global Travel and Meetings The Estee Lauder Companies New York City


Jenny Lust Grass Roots EventsJenny Lust

33 ▪ Vice President of Operations Grass Roots Meetings & Events Inc. New York City


Hayley michael synnexHaley Michael

27 ▪ Senior Event Specialist Synnex Corporation Greenville, S.C.


VanessaNelson_MarriedFirstSIght2Vanessa Nelson

27 ▪ Event Planner Cox Automotive Atlanta 


John Parkison Hilton West PalmJohn Parkinson

40 ▪ General Manager Hilton West Palm Beach West Palm Beach, Fla.


Emma Parston ECP Consulting and EventsEmma Parston, CMP

33 ▪ Owner, Principal Consultant and Project Manager ECP Consulting & Event Management Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia


Alex Paz JW Marriott MiamiAlex Paz

37 ▪ Executive Chef JW Marriott Miami Miami


Josh Pelczar Big Sky ResortJosh Pelczar

24 ▪ National Sales Manager Big Sky Resort Big Sky, Mont.

    About the 40 Under 40 process: Each year, Connect Corporate highlights professionals making an early mark in the corporate meetings industry. Peers and colleagues submit nominations through our website, which then are reviewed by our editors. The editors select the final 40 honorees based on nominations, references, industry involvement, career awards, honors and other factors.

Travis Peterson MarriottTravis D. Peterson

38 ▪ Citywide Sales Executive Marriott and Renaissance Hotels of Washington, D.C. Arlington, Va.


Cara Pratt DPI BostonCara Pratt

28 ▪ Vice President of Business Development Destination Partners Inc., a DMC Network Company Boston


Jennifer Blanes Conference DirectAshley Reaves

30 ▪ Convention Services Manager Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino Las Vegas


MaryRidenhourMary Ridenhour

25 ▪ Corporate Events Coordinator Waddell & Reed and Ivy Funds Overland Park, Kan.


Caitlin Schilkie The BreakersCaitlin Schilkie

29 ▪ Business Development Manager The Breakers Palm Beach Baltimore


Kelly Szczotka meeting plannerKelly Szczotka

37 ▪ President Laurel Key Services LLC Dallas


Jamie Timperley Dynamic EventsJamie Timperley, CMP

30 ▪ Vice President of Events Dynamic Events Inc. Vancouver, Wash.


Staceyanne Van Horne Laerdal MedicalStaceyann Van Horne

33 ▪ National Tradeshow and Events Manager Laerdal Medical Wappingers Falls, N.Y.


Nyomi Villafranca Visit HoustonNyomi Villafranca, CTA, CMP

30 ▪ National Account Executive VisitHouston Houston


Whitney Winton JW Marriott San AntonioWhitney Winton, CMP

33 ▪ Event Manager JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa San Antonio

    About the 40 Under 40 process: Each year, Connect Corporate highlights professionals making an early mark in the corporate meetings industry. Peers and colleagues submit nominations through our website, which then are reviewed by our editors. The editors select the final 40 honorees based on nominations, references, industry involvement, career awards, honors and other factors.