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2020 Connect Corporate 15 Over 50: Terri Woodin, CMP

Terri Woodin, CMP, is the vice president of marketing and global meeting services at Meetings Sites Resource. She is based in Breckenridge, Colorado.

Cc 15 50 Woodin

Terri Woodin, CMP, describes herself as driven, loyal and a volunteer. Learn more about her.

What I Do: I am a global site specialist that does site research and hotel contract negotiations for global customers to add value to the site research, hotel evaluation, negotiations and hotel contract process, with a focus on Strategic Meeting Management outcomes. I leverage our buying clout and expertise in hotel and contract negotiations to assure value to the meeting and bottom line, with an emphasis on risk reduction / cost containment saving customers significant time and money.

How I got here: I was a West Coast Global Sales representative servicing Meeting Sites Resource as one of my accounts. I hosted their team at one of my hotels and I had the opportunity to speak before them to update them on the collection of hotels I represented. I told stories about how I supported other clients to show additional ways I could support them too. My high-touch, high-service earned me the GSO of the year award and next thing I knew I crossed over from the supplier side to working for my client as a planner.

Greatest career accomplishment: Earning a seat at the table on the board of directors for Michigan State University. Another career achievement I am proud of is being selected in 2015 for the Meetings Industry Council (MIC) Leadership Award. 

Impressive Stats: As a contract specialist, I support my clients to achieve the greatest cost savings and reduced risk that averages 20%-30% in overall savings.

Specific Improvement I’ve made: My passion has always been giving back to the next generation of hospitality students and young leaders. I was just accepted to serve on the Young Leaders Advisory Council for MPI. I also just received word that our book has been published that I assisted hospitality professors to write that will be used in hospitality programs at numerous Universities. At my local Rocky Mountain Chapter of MPI, I created a scholarship for students to attend MPI education programs and global conferences.

What I am working on now: I am working on updating the website for MSR. It is fun working with a web designer because it affords me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and learn new things while supporting our company,

What I do outside of work:  I serve on the Michigan State University's School of Hospitality Business Alumni Association Board; serve on the Young Leaders Advisory Council for MPI; serve on the STR Planner Panel and volunteer with the Breckenridge Film Festival

Connect with Woodin on LinkedIn and Twitter.